Breakout 4: SAFER Systems: Real-Time Chemical Emergency Management - PRODUCT
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
4:45 PM - 5:45 PM

If we've learned anything from tragedies like Bhopal, it's the critical importance of the systems and processes used to protect facilities, workers, communities, and the environment in the case of a chemical emergency. EHS professionals and first responders know that time is critical during a toxic release incident, and real-time intelligence and minutes saved in response time can mean the difference between life and death. In this product session, you will experience the power of SAFER Systems® real-time chemical emergency management technology that allows you to respond to chemical incidents anywhere, anytime, faster, and smarter than ever before. You will be led through a deep dive of early detection alarms and dynamic real-time modelling of the chemical release, real-time decision support for first responders and HazMat personnel, modelling solutions for one-click leak source location, estimation of the rate of chemical release as well as the prediction of the direction and speed with which chemical release is dispersing, and more.
